Thursday, September 18, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Lies, Lies, Lies
John McCain is liar. Let's all say it together now: JOHN MCCAIN IS A LIAR!
Posted by
Josh Moore
9:44 PM
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The Bush Doctrine
Saw this on the tube tonight. Goodness gracious...this woman could be a heartbeat away from the presidency and she doesn't know shit about foreign policy (except that the Islamic extremist are hellbent on destroying America.) On the other hand her complete ignorance on the Bush doctrine might mean she wouldn't adopt it.
Posted by
Josh Moore
9:23 PM
Monday, August 11, 2008
More War?
Saw this on Andrew Sullivan's blog today. It caused me stop and remind myself that presidential elections do matter, and that there are significant differences between the major parties.
Posted by
Josh Moore
5:08 PM
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Paris Strikes Back
Posted by
Josh Moore
4:48 PM
Monday, August 4, 2008
The Audacity of Certainty
One of the qualities that always bugs me when I see it in other people is certainty. Some people are so sure they are right. They are absolutely sure that they are right. They are certain they are right. The corollary of this is these same people's certainty that people who disagree with them are completely wrong. They are sure about this too. Can't be any other way, they say. I do not agree with such certainty.
One of the strange things about myself is that I like to be proven wrong. Oh, I did not always use to be this way. But one day I had a little epiphany (epiphanies come in small sizes too) that allowed me to see that if I am going to continue to be wrong about so much in life then I might as well have some fun with my mistakes. Looking back at the many mistakes I have made in my life has provided me many, many laughs. One of my most consistent laugh lines is when I say, "Remember when I (insert some stupid incident here)? How silly was I?" That I can admit mistakes and laugh at them later has ingratiated me to many (now) good friends over the years.
Yet admitting mistakes is seen as a bad thing in certain circles. It shows weakness. It shows a lack of intelligence. It shows cowardice. You know what else admitting a mistake shows? Humility. The ability to adapt to changing circumstances. The lack of ego. The ability to walk in the shoes of someone completely different than you. Also qualities worth having.
I am disheartened by politics now because our political leaders are so damn certain that they are right. I used to be really certain about my beliefs when I was a kid. As I got older, I realized that the world is a very complicated place where grave problems don't have just one solution. There might be many possible solutions or no solution at all. That politicians try to act simply in a complicated world means either of two different things to me - either they think they can b.s. us or they really see the world in their stated simple terms.
I don't know which one is worse.
Posted by
5:03 PM
Friday, May 9, 2008
George W. Bush Superstar
One of the sure signs that I am a bleeding-heart liberal is my pure fascination with movies directed by Oliver Stone. I have always thought of Stone as someone who just did not care what people thought of his movies. He wasn't going to try to please you. If you like his movies, that is just incidental. Stone just makes movies about stuff that is interesting to him.
But I was a little blown away to hear that Stone is making a movie about George W. Bush, called simply W. And isn't it ballsy that he cast the stepson of Barbra Streisand, Josh Brolin, as Dubya? Yes it is. At the time this post was published, I could not confirm nor deny rumors that Stone was casting Gollum in the role of Vice-President Dick Cheney. ("My precious, precious waterboarding techniques.") I will keep checking with my sources in Hollywood though.
Next spring will allow us to revisit Bush versus Gore when W. tries to pick up more Academy Awards than that Al Gore movie on global warming.
Posted by
2:10 PM
File Under Al Gore, Barbra Steisand, Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, George W. Bush Movie, Josh Brolin, Oliver Stone